Adding knex.js to my project


Today, I took some time early in the morning to push one of my projects a little further. The project is a small task-tracker, and I started by creating a basic schema for the database. Now, I am considering how to manage interactions with the database. Previously, I used Knex.js in my work, and for this project, I debated between using mysql2 with raw SQL or building a query builder helper. However, I ultimately decided to use Knex.js.

Knex.js offers several advantages. First, it simplifies database migrations and schema building, allowing for easy setup and updates. Second, it enables the construction of SQL queries without needing to write raw SQL, which can help avoid potential errors. Third, using Knex.js provides me with an opportunity to practice with this library, improve my skills, and potentially use it in other projects.

To set up migrations, I will use the knex.js CLI:

npx knex init # I use npx because knex is not installed globally

This command creates a file containing various database configurations. I rewrote this file to use ECMAScript modules.

Next, I created an initial migration file:

npx knex migrate:make init

The knexfile.js will pull environment variables from the .env file. However, I encountered a small problem. When running scripts via package.json, the environment variables weren't being loaded:

"migrate": "npx knex migrate:latest --knexfile src/db/knexfile.js",

Everything worked fine with:

node src/db/knexfile.js

To resolve this, I had to specify the exact location of the .env file because dotenv expects it to be in the directory where the script is executed. In my case, that was the src/db directory, but I wanted to keep the .env file in the project's root. By adding a path parameter, I could specify the correct location:

import dotenv from 'dotenv';
dotenv.config({ path: '../../.env' });

This solution ensured that the environment variables were correctly loaded regardless of the script's execution path.
