Swagger allows the description of APIs so they are easily readable by machines. I am investigating whether it is easy to use in my apps that will be hosted on my home lab machine. For this purpose, I decided to use the package swagger-ui-express
Usage is quite simple
import fse from 'fs-extra';
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
import YAML from 'yaml';
const handleSwagger = (req, res, next) => {
const yaml = fse.readFileSync('./swagger.yaml', 'utf8');
const parsed = YAML.parse(yaml);
swaggerUi.setup(parsed)(req, res, next);
router.use('/api-docs', swaggerUi.serve, handleSwagger);
And then here is swagger.yaml
file example:
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample API
description: Optional multiline or single-line description in [CommonMark](http://commonmark.org/help/) or HTML.
version: 0.1.9
- url: http://api.example.com/v1
description: Optional server description, e.g. Main (production) server
- url: http://staging-api.example.com
description: Optional server description, e.g. Internal staging server for testing
summary: Returns a list of users.
description: Optional extended description in CommonMark or HTML.
'200': # status code
description: A JSON array of user names
type: array
type: string
Now, I also need a way to display an image, and to do so, I found that it needs to be done this way:
description: |-
![some title](/image.png)
Here, I had to remember that this image needs to be served statically in order to be displayed properly. I checked where I can display the image, and in the two places I have tested so far, one is in the info section and the second is in a specific path description.
In my opinion, it is pretty easy to use Swagger, and it displays documentation in a nice way. Also, using a YAML file for writing documentation is convenient. I started using YAML not long ago when learning Kubernetes, so this could be a nice continuation.