I’ve been reading a few blog articles by Takuya Matsuyama. What I read isn’t as important as the fact that it sparked some thoughts in my head. I’ve started thinking that I should focus on one thing for a while—maybe a year or two. It’s not easy or super exciting, but this idea gives me a bit of stability.
I like the idea of really getting to know my tech stack and using it to tackle tough problems. For me, that’s JavaScript—along with Node.js and React. These are my main interests, and I know that if I dig deeper every day, I’ll keep growing. The downside? I won’t have much time for other things, and the list of ideas just keeps growing. But when I think about them for too long, I get tired. There’s this weird heaviness attached to them. The more I think, the more excited I get, but at the same time, I feel worse. Maybe it’s the struggle between wanting novelty and going deep into something. Like a lot of developers, I tend to jump to new things as soon as something interesting pops up. But that means I don’t always finish or fully understand the projects I start.
My work is similar. I’m a full-stack developer, and since I’m the only backend developer, I end up switching between a lot of projects. It makes it hard to really get deep into anything.
I’ve been thinking that committing to one product might be a good experiment. What if I just focused on one thing for a while? How would it affect me? If I were to pick something, it would be our home finance tracker. It’s written in React. My wife and I have been learning about investing and budgeting, and none of the apps we’ve tried really fit our needs. That’s why I started building my own. It’s solving our specific problems, so maybe this is worth focusing on.
https://blog.inkdrop.app/how-i-became-a-full-stack-developer-5322e21433b2 https://blog.inkdrop.app/how-ive-attracted-the-first-500-paid-users-for-my-saas-that-costs-5-mo-7a5b94b8e820 https://blog.inkdrop.app/how-i-built-a-markdown-editor-earning-1300-mo-profit-inkdrop-ddf6ad702c42