Linux command journey 1


Some cool Linux command I have learned this week:

Do you want some command run continuously for example every 1 sec? bash watch -n 1 "ls -1 | wc -l" #1

watch Every one second it will run command written inside "" ls -1: Lists the items in the directory, one item per line. |: Pipes the output of the ls -1 command to the next command. wc -l: Counts the number of lines

How about checking the disk size?

df -h #2

What if I want to know the specific directory size?

du -sh *

I can also sort the output with sort command in human readable way

du -sh * | sort -h

I can pipie above output to another command that will display only needed number

du -sh * | sort -h | head -n 2 # only 2 items will be shown

