Interesting! Although I was not ready to use use TypeScript in my Nodejs app yet, I began exploring how JsDoc could provide similar benefits. Basically I defined types in one file and imported them in my root project file in index.js
. The wile with types, has types definitions like this:
* @typedef {Object} House
* @property {String} [id] - The house ID 36 .
What surprised me and what I learned today is that I can use JsDoc comment within the function to reference created types. This allows me to benefit from annotations without transforming code base to TS.
* Selects a house.
* @param {import('knex').Knex} db - The Knex connection instance.
export const insertHouseId = (db) => {
console.log({id: createV4String()});
return db('house').insert(/** @type {House}*/ ({id: createV4String()}));
With the TS language model enabled, I can validate types without not comiting fully to typescript.