Write to buffer with formidable


Today, I experimented with using formidable to receive a file from the fronted and write it directly to a buffer instead of storing it temporarily on the server. The initial set up is very easy. You will see in documentation, in express section that you will use this:

const form = formidable({});
// here you pass request
  form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
    if (err) {

By default, formidable save files in the /tmp/directory. This is fine, however you will have to move it somewhere else for long-term storage or load it into a buffer for further processing. I wanted to skip tmp directory and write directly to a buffer. The solution lies in using fileWriteStreamHanlder:

const form = formidable({
  fileWriteStreamHandler: () => {},

The fileWriteStreamHandler allows to intercept writing process, allowing you to redirect the data to a custom location instead, for example to AWS bucket or as I want today, to a buffer. To achieve that, you will have to create writable stream that collects all chunks of file and at the end of writing process assemble them into a buffer.

First, create new writable with some methods that will be needed. Let's the Writable constructor and pass some functions that will implement custom logic.

      const files = {};
      const chunks = [];
      const writable = new Writable({
        write(chunk, enc, cb) {
        chunks.push(chunk); // Collect each chunk of data
        cb(); // Signal completion of the write operation
        destroy() {
          files= {};
        final(cb) {
          const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
          files[file.newFilename] = buffer;


Write method will receive chunks of a file and add them to an array. Callback is used when chunk is flushed into resource. Next method, destroy , reset the file on destroy. And final triggers once the stream closes, concatenating chunks into a single Buffer.

Now lets take above code and combine with fileWriteStreamHandler

const files = {};
const form = formidable({
  fileWriteStreamHandler: () => {
      const chunks = [];
      const writable = new Writable({
        write(chunk, _, cb) {
        destroy() {
          files= {};
        final(cb) {
          const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
          files[file.newFilename] = buffer;


    return writable;

await form.parse(req);